Books,  Thoughtful Friday

One Book, Two Books, Three Books, Four!


Hey All!
So today I am starting a new feature here at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts! At the moment this may not happen every friday, but they will always appear on Fridays. These posts will be all about my thoughts and opinions on bookish things and movie things. This week I am going to talk to you all about reading multiple books at once

Whenever I mention that I have more than one book on the go at one time, I usually get the same response; HOW? This question always baffled me because well, I don’t know how, I just simply do it. So, being that I’m now a blogger and everything comes back to my blog, I decided that I needed to look a little further at this issue and really analyse why I was able to read more than one book at a time. Is it because I just have a great memory? Or is my memory lacking simply because I have so many books on the go at the same time? (Well, not literally at the same time because then I might be going a little cross-eyed!) Thus, eventually, I worked it all out and have a small list of HOW I manage to read more than one book at a time.

  • I try to read lots of different genres. It’s hard to get confused when in one book they’re in Hogwarts and in the other there are vampires crawling around.
  • I read in different ways. I may have one paperback on the go, one e-book on the go, and maybe even an audiobook as well.
  • I view books the same way as television programmes. I can be in the middle of twenty tv shows at the same time, just as I can be with books.
  • I get bored very easily. Even if the book is the MOST AMAZING book in the world, if I read the same thing for too long, I usually just end up switching off, putting the book down and forgetting to return to it. By reading multiple books, I can pick and change between them, thus avoiding ultimate boredom.
  • As a blogger I sometimes forget about release dates/blog tour dates – despite them being written in my diary with reminders coming from all directions – and thus I usually have to stop reading a book to be able to finish a more important one in time!
  • It is more challenging – and more entertaining – to read more than one book at a time and thus makes the experience more interesting and exciting!
  • If I forget a book, I’m not going to NOT read, thus, I will just start another and get back to the last as and when I can.
  • I just CAN ;)
So really, there are a lot of reasons why I end up reading lots of books at once. But what I also manage to do is get about halfway through a book, get ENTICED by another MORE EXCITING and AMAZING book and simply HAVE TO READ that one and FINISH it ASAP, thus stopping the one I was currently reading. And then another appears and suddenly, five books later, I realise I’m still in the middle of that OTHER book I neglected. But, despite all of the many books I am in the middle of – this is where multiple bookmarks comes in handy! – I ALWAYS plan to go back to the book and finish it eventually!


And just to give you a small idea, these are all the books that I am currently reading and the ones I am halfway through but aim to return to;

  1. Dancing to the Flute by Manisha Jolie Amin
  2. Such Wicked Intent by Kenneth Oppel
  3. Persnickity Princess by Falcon Storm
  4. From New York to Love… Actually by Ali McNamara
  5. Pantomime by Laura Lam
  6. Darcy Burdock by Laura Dockrill
  7. The Dark Unwinding by Sharon Cameron
  8. Survival by A. M. Hargrove
  9. Splintered by A. G. Howard
  10. The Dead Girl’s Dance by Rachel Caine
  11. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson
  12. Knife by R. J. Anderson
  13. Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
  14. Assassin’s Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke
  15. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling (reread)
So… as you can see… there’s a LOT of books I’m in the middle of – and plan to return to at some point! It’s actually more than I thought it was – ooops! But there we go. I know that one day all of these books will be fully read, and rated with the possibility of a review as well. But for now they’re just sitting on my shelves looking sorry for themselves! What I have concluded by the end of this post is the fact that I know WHY I read lots of books at one time, but I still have no clue as to HOW I do. I probably just have a good memory, eh?

What about you though? Do you read more than one book at a time? Do you ever leave a book to start another? Or is this weird reading habit of mine something only I do?

Let’s Discuss!



  • Kat (AussieZombie)

    I’m a multi-book reader too! Not 15 (my old brain can’t handle that much), but on average I have at least 4 on the go, but my habits are the same as some of yours – my books are almost always completely different (i.e. I’m currently reading an adult contemp, a zombie and a YA dystopian), and in different formats (ebook, paper, audio).

    The variety is definitely what has me reading multiple books however – sometimes I can read a book in its entirety without picking up another one halfway, others I just need to be able to switch when something gets too intense, irritating or repetitive.

    There are lots of books that I read part of and then put back on my shelf because I’m just not feeling the love at that point in time, although by the time I get back to them I have to start from the beginning so I don’t consider them ‘currently reading’.

    Great post, we are very similar :)

    • Faye (Daydreaming_Star)

      I was truly surprised when I realised how many books I’m in the middle of! Lord knows I am now trying to reduce that number by a lot! haha. One book at a time ;)

      Oh I totally agree. Sometimes I start reading one just on the side and it becomes so addicting that I HAVE to read it all the way through without picking up another. It’s not often that it happens but when it does, those books usually get a 5 star rating from me because they obviously grabbed me in some way other books don’t!

      I don’t know why but I very rarely go back to the beginning of books I’ve started reading but stopped, I might skim back a bit if needs be but usually I just try to remember what happened before but fortunately I have a fairly good memory and I use a notebook for big things too :)

      Thanks! It’s good to know I’m not alone in this weird habit of mine!

  • Suzanne van Rooyen

    Wow! I couldn’t do that! I can have maybe two or three books on the go if they’re very different but I inevitably end up invested in one and finish that before returning to the others. I don’t actually like doing this but sometimes it happens – reading one book, get another for review with a deadline etc.

    On a different note – how are you finding Splintered? That’s one I’ve been meaning to read.

    • Faye (Daydreaming_Star)

      I really do struggle to read just one book but it was a shock to find how many I was currently reading at once! It made me feel like a bad reader! How could I neglect so many books without finishing them? lol.

      Ohh! I really like what I’ve read so far but I’m only about five chapters in so I haven’t read much. I would have finished it by now if it had arrived when delivery said it would as I had time and then I didn’t but uggh, you didn’t need to know that! Basically, yes, it’s good and I should be finishing it soon! I’ll try to remember to tell you all my thoughts when I finish!

      Thanks for commenting :)

  • Lolita

    I can’t read more than one book at a time. If in some rare occassion I read more than one book at a time, one of the two usually is more interesting and then I end up reading only that one before I return to the other book.

    Also the only reason I may have to read two books at the same time is because I didn’t really like the book I was reading and I wanted to read something good and that’s why I started the next book. It also happened once that I was beta reading a book on my computer and I was reading an e-book on my e-reader at the same time. I can also read a manga.visual novel at the same time I read a book, but further than that no.

    I just read one book and if I am finished with that book I start another book. And if I get bored with the book I am reading or am not in the mood to read it, I do something else than read. For some reason reading more than one book at a time just doesn’t work for me and I am impressed that there are actually people who can read more than one book at a time.

    • Faye (Daydreaming_Star)

      I think it’s really interesting to know how everyone reads differently just as we all have different tastes! I think it would be very boring if we all did the same thing! I definitely find it very bizarre to read just one book at a time, but I do do it occasionally if the book grips me enough (see all my five star reviews!) but I couldn’t be that way ALL the time.

      I think it really is just a case of finding what works for you best, you know? I guess that’s why some people may never read because they just find it boring but maybe if they read more than one book at once they’d enjoy it more? Who knows! lol.

      Thanks for commenting Lola! :D

  • Anya

    Whoa, how many books?! Jeez! I get weird looks and comments when I admit to reading multiple books at a time. Lately, I’ve been reading, at most, 3 or 4 at a time – one for uni, one for me, one on my kindle :) I think it kinda makes sense, to have these different things to read depending on what I feel like, especially if I don’t feel like reading my set texts. Also, I agree with you about the TV thing – totally watching about… *counts* a dozen or so series on TV, plus old series on dvd – doesn’t confuse me! Glad I’m not the only one!

    • Faye (Daydreaming_Star)

      Haha, I know! I shocked myself. Think I’m going to have to try to finish some of them soon! I mean, as for “currently reading”, I only have about three or four on the go at one time. The others are ones that I’ve left but will be coming back to at some point. I.E. I started re-reading HP7 before part 2 was released in cinemas…. :P

      Yay! I think it is just one of those things that everyone does differently. And is probably a large reason why I’m such a slow reader! Haha. I’m also glad to know I’m not the only crazy reader.

      Thanks for commenting Anya! :)

  • Nikki @ Foil the Plot

    For me, I’m not so talented that I can juggle too much at once and perhaps this is because I’m a forgetful person by nature. I do manage to juggle at least 2 books at any given time but it’s mostly because I’ll have an audiobook going on my commute to work and then a hard copy for my downtimes during/after work. Occasionally, I might have a 3rd e-book going but it’s very rare. I find that, like you, the balance comes from reading within different genres and also in different formats. I just have to be careful so I don’t lose interest or forget or mix-up plotlines and characters (which I’ve been known to do if I try reading too much all at once).

    • Faye (Daydreaming_Star)

      I think that because I juggle so many books is the reason I’m so forgetful in life. I forget important things like dates that applications are due, or payments are due but can remember all the major plot points in books I read months ago instead! lol. So I totally understand about being forgetful, but I think as well that the writing style is another way to just help jog my memory of what happened before, a bit like music reminding you of certain moments I guess!

      It’s definitely something to keep an eye on, but I’m glad that I’m not the only one who reads more than one book at a time! :D Thanks for commenting Nikki!

  • nea barabea (@neabarabea)

    I can read more books at one time as well. I didn’t before, but I do now. I like to switch topics. As TV shows like you said :) And if I don’t have my paperback at hand, I definitely have my kindle so the answer is obvious :P :)

    • Faye (Daydreaming_Star)

      I agree! As a child I don’t remember reading lots of different stories at once but I do now, it just got worse when I started blogging. Haha. Isn’t Kindle just the god of all things? Especially the app on the phone meaning you are really NEVER without a book? Ahhh. Bliss. :D

      Thanks for commenting Nea :)

  • Ellie

    I have a few short Story collections on the go and might also read a non-fiction book at the same time as a novel but generally I like to finish novels in one go. If I’m not that into a book that I don’t want to carry on reading, I’ll DNF it. Occasionally I might go back to it at a later date but I have so many books I want to read I don’t see the point in reading ones that bore me. It’s not that I can’t keep track of multiple story lines but I want to experience a novel how it was intended. Then again, I don’t like watching TV shows over a long period either. I’d rather wait for the boxset and watch them all in one go!

    • Faye (Daydreaming_Star)

      I would really struggle to just read one book at a time, not because I’m not investing enough time in it, but just because I really struggle to read that way. I need the variety of different stories or I’d probably always be in reading slumps, which would be a shame. But I totally see where you’re coming from! Everyone reads differently, eh?

  • Kelsey

    I find that I can only really read one book at a time, unless I add a quick comic book into the mix. I used to try to read multiple books when I was younger and it got confusing, so I just stick to one now. I feel like I can devote my whole attention to it that way, but I can totally understand the advantages of reading multiple ones, I just have a hard time doing it.

    • Faye (Daydreaming_Star)

      It’s really odd because in the same way, the idea of always just reading one book at a time just seems so bizarre and kinda boring to me! haha. But I find it just so interesting how people read in such different ways. I can see the advantages of just reading one book but I just couldn’t do it.

      Thanks for commenting Kelsey :)

  • LisaILJ

    I read multiple books at once as well. I usually have between 3-6 books going at once. Usually there is an ebook or two, and at lest two or three hard copy books. Right now I have four books I’m in the middle of.

    • Faye (Daydreaming_Star)

      Woo! Glad to see I’m not alone in this! I feel a little crazy with this topic, haha. But I just feel a bit bizarre when I only have one book on the go! But I usually only have three or four currently currently reading books on the go at once :)

  • Kerrie

    I do tend to do a little bit of multi reading, I currently have 3 books that I am in the middle of, but 15 is crazy!

    • Faye (Daydreaming_Star)

      It is really crazy but awwh, *bows* I try, I try! Haha. I think it’s just because I don’t really keep an eye on what I’m reading :P But I think there are advantages to reading multiple and advantages to only reading one book as well! :)

  • Alexandra

    Ha – I like this post! (also hi, it’s been ages!) I’m really lucky in that I read very, very fast – I can finish most books in a few hours, so I don’t need to juggle multiple books to stave off boredom, but if I’m less engaged with one, so feel able to put it down and walk away, then yes, I will pick up another one and have two (or three, or four) on the go. Often though the other one (or two, or three) is a re-read, which means that I’m comfortably familiar with the plot and characters already. Sometimes it’s a different genre, sometimes not – that doesn’t seem to bother me all that much. My brain’s pretty good at keeping them all straight, although occasionally, if I’ve tried to read too fast or read too many books at the same time, I’ll completely forget the main character’s names – but the weird thing is, I’ll still remember obscure and pointless details. Don’t know how that works!

  • Clover

    I struggle to read more than one book at a time, though I do it often. No more than three books on the go though. But I do start a book, read halfway and then put it down to read something else. I just don’t have a high level of concentration and I get distracted so easily. I’m usually okay to go back to the book after awhile, but also sometimes not..

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