Books,  Challenges,  Readathon

#TackleThatTBR TBR!

TackleThatTBR TBR!

It’s almost time for the TackleThatTBR to begin! It is starting on 26th August and runs until 8th September!

As it’s starting soon, I wanted to share with you all what I hope to read this week. I’m still participating in the NEWTs-a-thon and the Graphic Novel Read-a-thon and I’m going to be starting the Elemental Read-A-Long too, so these books will all fit within these realms too!

But first, if you don’t even know about the tacklethattbr yet, make sure you head over to the this post here to find out more information about the read-a-thon.

The aim of the readathon is to read as many books on your TBR as you can (either physical, digital, owned books or unowned – whatever you decide!) especially focusing on reducing the number of books on your TBR, not adding new books to it!

There are also some optional challenges;

1. A book or series you started but never finished
2. The newest book on your TBR
3. The oldest book on your TBR
4. The last or first book in a series
5. The book you are most excited to read on your TBR

My TBR Choices

I have decided that I will skip the challenges for this readathon, if only because I already have my book choices from my previous challenges and upcoming challenges to keep me going.

A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer
I still do not actually have this book yet but I have a feeling that I should get it soon and the minute it is in my hands, it will be started and thus it simply had to be added to this TBR!

Tunnel of Bones by Victoria Schwab
I have been dying to read this one since I finished the first book and found out there would be a sequel so obviously I am hoping to read this before August is over!

Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman
This one has been on my TBR for TOO LONG. After reading and absolutely loving Summer Bird Blue, I told myself I would get around to reading this but I just didn’t. Now is my chance to change that!

Infinity Son by Adam Silvera
I was incredibly lucky to manage to snag a copy of this at YALC and I feel that this makes it my duty to read it sooner rather than later. I have started it and it has started well so hopefully I can finish it for this readathon.

Scott Pilgrim #1 and #2
As part of the Graphic Novel readathon I said I would read these two books but as yet, I haven’t. So I am taking this week to try and change this! I have been meaning to read these for years.

Giant Days – 5 New Chapters
Another challenge for the Graphic Novel readathon was to try and catch up a bit more with a series and I chose Giant Days which I absolutely love. I’m hoping to use this week to get the next five chapters read.

Are you participating? What book should I start with?


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