Ten Favourite Places to Write or Read by Wa’qaar A Mirza
Ten Favourite Places to Write or Read by Wa’qaar A Mirza
Hi All!
Today is my stop on the blog tour for Cries of a Dying Waterhole and I am here today with a fantastic guest post from the author!

Author: Wa’qaar A. Mirza
Publisher: Clink Street Publishing
Published: 28th February 2019
Pages: 300
Format: Paperback
Source:: N/A
Add It: Amazon UK Goodreads.
Summary:It was that one fateful meeting in Arlington cemetery that started a chain reaction. The outcome that no one could predict. Covert operations, hostages, chaos around the planet, world leaders at loggerheads… and this was just the beginning. Can Harry Firstone – despite his colourful past – pull off a geopolitical coup that could bring change to the social imbalances across world? Just as the spinning plates of his emotions start to wobble with incredible consequences. Does truth have any value? And is there anything that money can’t buy? Politicians, media, bankers. We live in a world where we choose to believe in lies, but it’s in the dirtiest of swamps that beautiful lotuses bloom. This book is set to inspire you. It will make you get up and do something good. Let your conscience take you on a roller-coaster ride and uncover something you never thought you could.
Ten Favourite Places to Write or Read
Wa’qaar A Mirza
Coffee shops.
I really like writing with a coffee, while watching different people or characters come in. Its like a little city, every type of person there for every reason you can think of, intriguing environment in every way.
My study at home
I think this is where your more relaxed I think more than half of my book was written here, quite and peaceful.
When you’re needing a little inspiration, the local library is perfect, when I have had a writers block, I go there and just look around and get inspired in a quite environment.
I do a lot of traveling, much on long haul 8 hours plus, this is a perfect place, locked in can’t walk out, really focussed, writing at 600 miles an hour.
Book shops
Like the libraries, they provide great inspiration and so much new material and display, really motivates you to be there one day, lot of them now have coffee shops inside them.
Hotel rooms
Being away from home for weeks, you have no choice but to write, at the end of the day, mostly nice 5 stars places with all you need, room service etc and great views and great big beds with dozens of pillows.
Watching the towns, cities and fields go by though the window does give you little inspiration and have done many short and long journeys, take out the laptop or note book and write away.
In the summer many times gone to Hyde Park and sit on the grass with the sun and watching the world go by as you write.
On lazy Sundays just say in bed and write away
Have been few times to various museums and galleries sat on bench and stared at pictures and write a few paragraphs among the exhibits
My book has been written in all above.
About the Author