Books,  Thursdays Special Spotlight

Thursday’s Special Spotlight; Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Special Spotlight

Thursday’s Special Spotlight is a new feature here at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts. It is inspired by her library’s “Book of the Week” and Stepping out of the Page’s From the Review Pile. It also stems from how far behind I am on writing reviews and how guilty I often feel about it!

The idea of this feature is to spotlight books that I read e-ons ago that I absolutely loved and I feel deserve the spotlight on this blog! They will be accompanied with reasons as to why I loved them and why I think you should read them.

Today’s pick is Cinder by Marissa Meyer


I read this book all the way back in February 2012 but at the time I was in the middle of my dissertation and that took priority over writing a review. As it was a book I read for personal reasons rather than a review copy, it was not highly important to me to write the review straight away. However, as time got away from me, I quickly realised that I still haven’t written a review of this absolutely stunning book.

Cinder is one of those books that changes how you look at specific genres. It is a cross between a sci-fi book and a dystopian, and is simply so beautifully written that it is impossible not to fall in love with it. Marissa Meyer has a way with words and this book wove its way into my heart and has stayed there ever since. (I am seriously itching to get my hands on Scarlet!)

Why should you read this book?
Aside from it being creative and unique, this book is full of characters that are rich and real. It questions how we look at the world we live in and the lengths we would go to, to find a cure that was killing thousands of people daily. It is inventive and interesting, and one that has you turning the pages so quickly that you’ll feel an emptiness when you finally put the book down.

But don’t just take my word for it! Here are some brilliantly written reviews for this incredible book;
Brodie @ Eleusinian Mysteries
Sarah @ Saz101
Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Review
Megan Curd @ Goodreads
 Dani @ Pen to Paper
Samantha @ Falling Books
Melissa @ Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf

If you haven’t yet read this book, what are you waiting for?



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