Books,  Top Ten

Top Ten Tuesday; Books That Will Make You Cry

top ten tuesday2

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new topic is given and this weeks topic is Books That Will Make You Cry

Oh boy. I STRUGGLED with this topic because, let’s face it, I cry in pretty much EVERY book I read. But these are some of the books that had me crying MORE than normal. The ones that gave me headaches, that made it difficult to see the page through the tears, and were just downright devastating – in the best possible way. I also kept it to the YA scene and books I’ve read in the last few years – thank you Goodreads!

Deception Spark secret (1) The Eternity Cure

Deception by C. J. Redwine; I admitted this in my review of this book but I cried SO MUCH in this book that I gave myself a headache, I couldn’t see the pages and I STILL couldn’t put the book down. It was such an amazing and brilliant read.

Spark by Brigid Kemmerer; If you’ve been following this blog for a while, I’m sure you know how much I adore the Elemental series and one of the reasons for this is how well Brigid writes characters that you just admire so much. So when things start going wrong for them, it pulls your heart to pieces. This is what happened to me in Spark!

Secret by Brigid Kemmerer; For ALL of the above reasons. There were a fair few scenes in this book that cut my heart in two. I’m still not certain I’ve fully recovered yet but my goodness, this book was just absolutely amazing.

The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa; Oh my. What an intensely powerful and emotional book this one! After getting so attached the characters in the first book, it is hard not to feel all of your emotions ripped raw a second time in this book. I cried in the first book too, a lot. But this one hit me even harder. If you haven’t read this series yet, go and do it now!

What Happened to Goodbye geek girl 2 Black Heart Blue

What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen; Well, let’s be honest, every Sarah Dessen book is going to make you cry but this one really got me. There was just one scene in it where it all collapses and you can’t help but feel everything happening to the character hit you in the very core of your being. Seriously sad moment.

Geek Girl; Model Misfit by Holly Smale; This book had me crying almost throughout the entire book. You know, in between all the times I was laughing my head off. The emotions of the main character are just so rich and raw that you can’t help but feel as though you are experiencing it all yourself. Holly has written a truly stunning book.

Black Heart Blue by Louisa Reid; This book is a book that looks at so many different things. But it is so hard to read it without tearing up inside. It is emotional and powerful and incredible. And really, you need to just go and read it.

Cross My Heart welcome caller, this is chloe The Fault In Our Stars

Cross My Heart by Carmen Reid; A book set in the war about a girl in a resistance party… it was never going to be read without tears, was it? This book slayed me. It was such a tense read and ended up being incredibly emotional as well.

Welcome Caller, This Is Chloe by Shelley Coriell; I have started to notice a pattern. Contemporary books just make me feel EVERYTHING. There was just a few scenes in this book that tore my heart right out.

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green; You were almost thinking I wasn’t going to mention it, weren’t you? But here it is. The book that had me crying throughout the book. The one that every one is talking about at the moment and the one that will stay with me for a long time. It is incredible. Not the first cancer book I’ve ever read but definitely one of my favourites.

So those are all my choices! There are SO MANY that didn’t quite make the cut – and I KEPT changing my mind as I wrote this post as well. But these are what they are for now. Have you read any of them?
What books have you read that made you cry?



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