Weekly Highlights

Weekly Highlights; The Snow Fall Edition

weekly highlights

Weekly Highlights is a new feature here at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts and will be a post highlighting things that happened on and off the blog. It is inspired by The Story Sirens In My Mailbox, Books, Biscuit and Tea’s Showcase Sunday, Kimba Caffeinated’s Sunday Post, and the British Letterbox Love.

In the feature I won’t mention everything I received, nor every post I wrote during the week but will simply feature a selection of things I wish to spotlight a second time around.

Post Highlights

This week I posted two book reviews and one film review;
Rise of The Guardians (2012) – FOUR HEARTS
The Starboard Sea by Amber Dermont – FOUR HEARTS
Let Me Be The One by Bella Andre – FIVE HEARTS

I revealed the cover of Firefly by Belle Whittington with the chance to WIN the series, here

I listed my top ten most anticipated debuts of 2013 (and managed to add many more to my own list) – check them out here

For my Thursday’s Special Spotlight this week, I gushed over Saving June by Hannah Harrington. Check out why I think you should read it by clicking here

In a bizarre-perfect-timing kind of way, Behind the Blog’s topic this week was Winter Activities posted on the day we got snow here in the UK! To check out what I love to do in the winter, as well as my favourite winter films, Go here!

Blogger Spotlight

This week I interviewed Alexa as part of Blogger Spotlight, go check out her awesome answers here

She also posted about co-hosting the annual Book Blogger Love-A-Thon this year! I am super excited for this event. I loved it last year and am really happy that Alexa will be co-hosting it this year. To find out more about this amazing event and to sign up, Click Here

Around the Blogosphere

There was a lot of grand posts going up on blogs this week and here is just a few that caught my eye!

Alexandra @ Alexandra’s Scribblings has been seeing a lot of posts about the Males in YA and decided to take one step further and write about the Girls of YA. It was a great post that I think you should definitely go and check out!

Vicky @ Books, Biscuits, and Tea wrote a really interesting discussion post on Audio Books that I think you should definitely go have a look at! – Audio Books – Love them or Hate Them?

Lucy @ ChooseYA announced some news about Penguin Chats and how she is a partner for it and will be giving away some cool prizes! Check out her post here for more information on what Penguin Chats are!

The amazing author Susan Dennard wrote a post about how to get published which is definitely worth a read if you’re an aspiring writer! I have to admit, I am quickly falling in love with Susan, she is such a wonderful person!

It has been announced! There will be a Mini-Bloggiesta! It’s going to be the first weekend of February! Go check out the post to know more about what will happen! I, for one, am really looking forward to it!


It has been announced that Celia Bryce will be doing a virtual writing blog tour this week! To find out which blogs will be hosting this, click here

Tomorrow marks the start of the Winter Respite Read-a-thon! I’m definitely looking forward to this, but I also have a week full of work so who knows how much time I’ll actually have to read! If you want to join me, you can sign-up here!

Letterbox Love


Letterbox Love is a meme hosted by Narratively Speaking where UK-based bloggers can highlight the books they’ve recieved each week. And here is what I got;

2013-01-17 18.13.03-2

I have been waiting for this book since, oh I don’t know, September?, so when it finally arrived, I did actually do a dance around the room! I have only read one chapter of it so far because I’m trying to read it slowly, to allow myself to enjoy it for a longer period of time. But I have a small feeling that as soon as the story really gets going, that will go out of the window. But at least I am thinking about reading it this way! lol.

And there you have it, my Weekly Highlights!

I hope to visit all posts of this manner, so feel free to link to your own IMMs, Sunday Showcase, Sunday Posts, Letterbox Loves or whatever it is you do below!

what did you get this week? what cool blog posts did you stumble upon? what are you waiting to happen this week?



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