Weekly Highlights; The Valentine’s Edition

Weekly Highlights is a feature here at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts and will be a post highlighting things that happened on and off the blog. It is inspired by The Story Sirens In My Mailbox, Books, Biscuit and Tea’s Showcase Sunday, Kimba Caffeinated’s Sunday Post, and the British Letterbox Love.
In the feature I won’t mention everything I received, nor every post I wrote during the week but will simply feature a selection of things I wish to spotlight a second time around.
Post Highlights
This week has been a fairly standard one for me. I’ve been pretty busy and very tired and really haven’t done much. I did, however, go out for a romantic meal on Friday… with my best friend. It was a lot of fun pretending we were madly in love, and it was the first time I’d seen her since before Christmas so it was actually really great.
On the blog this week I posted ONE review;
Obsession in Death by J. D. Robb (FOUR HEARTS)
I also had two wonderful authors on the blog this week. First of all I had Alexander Gordon Smith as part of the UKYA Extravaganza tour. He wrote a really interesting guest post about daydreaming as a writer. Read that post here.
Secondly I had the chance to interview the lovely Laura Elliot. It was great to get to know more about her and her newest book, Fragile Lies which I cannot wait to read. You can read that interview in this post.
Finally, as it was so close to Valentine’s day, I also posted a controversial post about Book Boyfriends. I sound like an old lady Havisham in it, but if you’re interested in finding out my thoughts and adding your own, check out the post here.
Finish It February
We’re into our second week of the Finish It Feb event, with only two more weeks to go.
Thus, you can find out how I’m doing with my goals in my updates post by clicking here.
As there were so few entries, I have extended the current giveaway I’m hosting until this Tuesday the 17th Feb.
To enter, head on over to this post.
UKYA Book Blogger Shortlist Voting
Voting for the shortlist ends at Midnight today! Don’t forget to vote for your favourites! You can do so here.
Around the Blogosphere
Michelle has posted an interesting discussion on Student/Teacher relationships on her blog this week. Check it out and find out about some fab books here.
I loved A Darker Shade of Magic and this review of it by Sophie is well worth a read!
Daphne is welcoming yet another new blogger to her blog! Find out more about Sara in this post.
Last week Jim posted a fab Six Degrees of Separation post, check out how he got from This Book Will Save Your Life to Arsenic for tea by clicking here.
Like diverse books? Find some great posts over on Rebecca’s blog about Diverse books that changed people’s lives. Click here for the post and the linky’s.
Sofia did a great post for Valentine’s day about Romances in YA. Read it here.
Letterbox Love
Somehow I ended up with seven new books this week. So much for taking it slow… ooops.
Dance of Fire by Yelena Black; This one was a surprise from Bloomsbury that I’m really excited about. It’s the second one in this series and better yet, my quote was on the press release for number one! Yay!
Murder by Sarah Pinborough; I finished Mayhem last month and really enjoyed it (review to come tomorrow!), so when I saw Murder, the second in the series in the library, I simply couldn’t resist taking it out!
The Boy with the Porcelain Blade by Den Patrick; This is another book from the library that I actually requested in. I heard about Den’s new book, got intrigued and then realised it was the second in this series. So I look forward to starting it with this one!
Both of Me by Jonathan Friesen; This one was one that sort of stumbled into my lap. I know nothing about this book but the cover and synopsis drew me in and so I decided to take it out and give it a spin.
Starborn by Lucy Hounsom; This is a debut book that just has a really interesting synopsis. It sounds like the perfect book to me and I cannot wait to get started on it. Many thanks to Tor for this review copy.
Black Horizon by M. G. Harris; This one sounds really good. I asked for it a while ago and was really excited when I found out it had arrived this week. I will be reading this one very soon, hopefully. Many thanks to Orion for the review copy!
The Magnificent Lizzie Brown and the Mysterious Phantom by Vicki Lockwood; This one was a surprise and I’m very intrigued by it but I’m not sure I’ll read it soon. Perhaps in a few months though. Many thanks to Curious Fox for the review copy.
Currently Reading
I read a few books at a time so I have decided that I want to showcase them a little on the blog and so from now on I thought I would tell you all what I’m currently reading (on Saturday/Sunday!)
This week I am currently reading;
And there you have it, my Weekly Highlights!