Books,  Readathon

YALC Readathon Sign Up!

Hey Guys!
Today I’m just writing a small post to let you all know that I plan on joining the YALC Readathon!
This readathon is a chance to read as many books by the authors attending YALC as you can!
Personally I have a LARGE list of books I want to read before the convention (but I doubt I’ll read them all!) so I love that this is a chance to read as many as I can.

But what will I do to make sure I read more?

I’m going to get the train every day I can (the only exception being my late evening because no one wants to get home at 9pm without food) and on my day off I’m going to just read. Or I hope to, anyway – although I may also go and see TFIOS :D

What do I hope to read?

I will never get through all of these, but I want to at least try and read three, if not four of these titles!

Which ones would you recommend I start with?

Are you joining the read-a-thon? What do you plan to read?
And lastly… will I see you at YALC?


One Comment

  • Becca @ Lost in thought

    I’m off to YALC and I’m so excited! I’ve been to LFCC a few times but this one is going to be insane and I can’t wait! I need to read quite a few books before going, a few above. Good luck with the readathon!

    Becca @ Lost in Thought

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