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Author Interview: Louise Emma Clarke

Author Interview: Louise Emma Clarke

Today is my stop on the From Mum With Love blog tour and I am pleased to welcome Louise Emma Clark on to the blog with a quick interview! She’s come up with some fantastic answers!


What is your favourite thing about writing books?
As a busy mum of three, the moments when the children are all out, the house is quiet, and I have time to sit and think are a real luxury to me. Sitting down at my laptop in silence (the only way I can write) and getting lost in a world I have entirely dreamt up in my head is really calming. After a day writing, I’m ready for another dose of the madness at home! I feel really lucky that something I genuinely enjoy has become my career.

Who is your favourite character in your book and why?
I have to say Jessica, because I have lived a similar path as a mother and blogger – but I also love Henny. She’s the friend that we all wish we had; totally genuine and always reliable. Her life and her house isn’t always perfect, but that just makes her even more endearing.

What is your favourite drink to consume while writing?
With three children that usually wake up before 6am every day, I survive on coffee.

Do you have any bad habits while you’re writing?
I write from home, so I am nearly always distracted by the washing machine finishing a load, needing to unstack the dishwasher, or the postman arriving with a package. I wish I could ignore everything going on, but it’s hard when life is such a juggle.

How do you research books?
“From Mum With Love” is based on the blogging industry and motherhood; both subjects I know fairly well – so research really consisted of digging into my memories, looking back at old photos, and generally reminiscing about those first foggy, exhausting days with a newborn at home. I have revisited Greenwich a few times since starting the novel and that has been hugely inspiring.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?
A mixture of the two! I know roughly where my novels are going, but then I just sit down and start typing.

If you could live in any fictional world, which would you choose and why?
I’d like to own a sweetshop in Diagon Alley (but only in the first Harry Potter book when it’s all wonderfully innocent and magical – after that I’d probably fear a swarm of DeathEaters would ruin all my hard work).

If you could befriend any fictional character, who would you choose and why?
I’ve just finished “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine” and was totally gripped by it. I’d like to join Eleanor and Raymond for lunch one day. Not every day, you understand (I am very committed to them becoming a couple, so they don’t need a gooseberry in the middle) but once or twice would be fun.

About the book

Full-time mum Jess has had enough, and her husband, Chris, has just the solution to vent her frustrations – a blog.
Jess loves her daughter more than anything, but sometimes she just wants a little bit of freedom – some time for herself. Queue a laptop, a glass of wine and the beginning of a life-changing journey.
Overnight Jess’s inbox is full of notifications and before long she is officially a ‘mummy blogger’ but this new life comes with its own set of rules and regulations. With Queen of the Bloggers, Tiggy, blanking her in public, people recognizing her on the street and her life decisions suddenly judged by strangers Jess’s idea of ‘me time’ is slowly becoming a full-time job.

Will Jess be able to find the right life/work balance? Or will she wish she’d never turned to a world online?

About the Author

Louise’s blog, Mum of Boys and Mabel has over 100k followers. Having moved to Dubai with her family she’s now back in the UK and is enjoying writing. From Mum with Love is her debut novel.

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