Blogspiration,  Books,  Quote

Blogspiration #13 – Dr Suess

Blogspiration is a weekly meme hosted by GrowingUp YA & Saz101. This meme was created to help spark inspiration among bloggers, readers and writers alike. An inspirational quote/picture/video is posted weekly, on the day of the authors choosing, so that it may inspire creativity, conversation & just a little SOMETHING.

This week is a quote I have been holding onto since Monday – I wasn’t also tempted to write this post on that day too but I ended up being way too busy! I’ve heard the quote many times before and I love it everytime I hear it but when I heard it again on Monday I was like, yes! because I knew it would make the perfect blogspiration for this week.

In case you weren’t aware, I am coming up to my graduation from university and entering the big and scary world out there *points to abyss*. Now on Friday, I officially stopped being a Student. Boom. Classes ended, university closed and I am heading home today. So you know, that big ole’ abyss? I’m now, officially in it. (Aye carumba!) Therefore, I really needed some inspiration to help me find my feet, to point me in the direction of where I should be going. And this quote just spoke to me when I needed it to.

“You have brains in your head, feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction you choose.”

Dr Suess

While this just seems to continue to open up that vast pit of darkness and seemingly wants to pull me inside it, it also closes it too. Why? Because I can do what I want. I may have people pressuring me from all sides, parents, friends, collegues, teachers but, at the end of the day, I need to use the brain in my head, the feet in my shoes and steer myself in the direction I choose.

And I think everyone should take heed of this advice. If you want to be a writer but people laugh at you or tell you that it’s hard and not worth it – don’t listen to them. Seriously. If you want to be a writer, then ignore everything else and make it happen. It is your life and you can do (and should do) exactly what you want with it. Yes?

So I know that my mum only wants me to do what I want to do, I know my dad just wants me to be happy with what I do but to really do that I need to be the one to make the decision. No one else but me.

I think that’s been the toughest challenge to overcome really. Because I wanted to come back to do a Masters last year because I was enjoying university, but this past few months I lost that enjoyment and now the reason I wish to return is because of friends, teachers and old collegues and that’s not fair, is it? On them, or me. I still want to do a Masters but I think that I just need a year to take a step back, to enjoy myself again and then when I remember what it used to be like I can come back and do the course for me.

While the rest of my decisions are still up in the air and surrounding me, I feel happy and safe knowing that I’ve at least crossed something off of the ever growing list. All I need to do now is work through the rest of the options with a fine-tooth comb and really make a decision of what I want to do. What will make me happy?

So, I think everyone should do the same. Don’t live for someone else. Life is too short to walk in someone’s shadow, or to do things because it is expected of you. Do things because you want to do them. Nothing more. Nothing less.

What do you think? Do I make a valid argument, or am I, and Dr Suess, “off our rocker”?


  • Ashna Banga

    I’ve read many quotes but this one remains my Dr Seuss favorite! :D It’s just so beautiful! And I love your take on it, that we should be doing what makes us happy! :)

    Good luck! :)

  • nea barabea

    Oh, Faye, what a beautiful post <3 <3 I completely agree with you. You get to do what YOU want to do. I feel the pressure, too. And oh my god, my exam is tomorrow. And I still so don’t care. God this is awful.

    But you got me thinking.. Do I really want to go and take the Master? Do I? Or I am doing it because it is expecting from me? Am I really going because I WANT to our because I have to or something completely other? Oh God. This isn’t good. I really should focus at one thing at time :P :P Now I’m confused :P lol.

    But I agree with you. And it’s not true that becoming a writer is hard. If you’re good and willing to go all the way.. then I don’t see and difficulty or problems in a long shot. ;) Believe in yourself ;)

    And leave behind all the ordinary people who are too scared to try to achive something bigger, better. I believe in you. ;)

    Enjoy sweetie ;) <3

  • alexandrasscribblings

    Faye, I ADORE this post – everything you say, and the quote itself. Dr Suess has an amazing amount of quoteable quotes. In my final year of high school, we did a unit of study called “Physical Journey” and “Oh the places you’ll go!” was one of the texts that I picked to analyse and discuss for it. :-D
    I know that you’ve mentioned a few times about your writing, but I’m not sure I know – what genre do you write? xo

  • Kristin Feliz

    Dr. Seuss knew his shit.

    Also, this “Don’t live for someone else. Life is too short to walk in someone’s shadow, or to do things because it is expected of you. Do things because you want to do them. Nothing more. Nothing less.”

    My GOD! I could not agree more :D

  • Sarah (saz101)

    Aw, honey, you’re totally off your rocker, but that’s why I love you.
    As for this quote, and what you said? Hey, it’s rockin’ wise :D

    “And I think everyone should take heed of this advice. If you want to be a writer but people laugh at you or tell you that it’s hard and not worth it – don’t listen to them. Seriously. If you want to be a writer, then ignore everything else and make it happen. It is your life and you can do (and should do) exactly what you want with it. Yes?”

    I think this is going to be my next week’s Blogspiration. For serious. It is SOOO true. Be happy! Do what you want, but most of all, do it for you. *hugs* good luck, congrats, and may you know happiness every single day for the rest of your life xx

  • Victoria M. Johnson

    I love this quote! Congratulations on your graduation. I think you are smart to take a year off from school before pursuing your master’s. Good luck with which ever direction you choose.

  • Melissa

    You are in no way off your rocker. You should only do something because you want to do it, not for anyone else. I know that whatever you choose to do, you will be fantastic at it!

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