
February Monthly Wrap Up


So I ummed and ahhed about whether or not to start doing monthly wrap-ups on the blog but have eventually decided that in an effort to keep my blog more organised, to keep on top of challenges and to do a nice re-cap of the month for you all, that I would do them :-). Therefore, this post will be set out like my weekly highlights post, split into headings in an attempt to keep everything organised easily :D

Monthly Highlights

I am sitting here very confused right now because it is the first day of March and I’m fairly certain February went passed far too quickly. Not that I mind the new month or the passing of time, but it just seems to be going past so fast!
Anyway… back to business.
This month has been a really good one for me and the blog. I posted almost every single day. I got a fair few reviews posted and I kept on top of everything (just about)! So I’m really pleased with it all. I’m also excited for March because I’m going to be re-reading the Noughts & Crosses series!

My top three favourite posts this month were;
Bird by Crystal Chan
Never Ending by Martyn Bedford and Interview!
Top Ten Reasons I Love Being A Blogger

Both my vlog channels are going really well still as well. I may not be as busy on those as I am on here but then I would probably die from the strain of it all, wouldn’t you think? I’ve really been enjoying both vlogging and blogging more. Thus, this month I have decided I’m going to try and re-awaken my tumblr as well. Keep an eye out for that!

This month wasn’t so full of bookish events but I did meet up with some of my fellow bloggers. We ended up having a Veronica Mars Marathon (which was awesome), went out for dinner, went and saw The Book Thief, and went to the Rock War launch party which was absolutely amazing! I’m really enjoying doing more bookish things each month and just getting to know my bloggers better and happily calling them friends!

I read ten and a half books this month, which is crazy seeing as there are only 28 days to the month! But, I will admit, a few I was part-way through already which made it easier. I also had more time this month than I normally do due to my hours at work changing! Needless to say, I enjoyed reading more books and hope I can continue this on next month!

Favourite Book

Drummer Girl Picking this month’s favourite book was HARD. I read so many amazing books this month that I really struggled to pick just one to showcase. In the end I went for the one that was unique, strong, and powerful. It is also one of the few stand-a-lones I read and wasn’t the second book in the series. BUT. Essentially I have chosen Drummer Girl as my book of the month because it is an exceptional read. It is a contemporary that seems light-hearted and fun and while it has moments like this, essentially this book is a serious book that is dark, deep, and incredibly gripping. It is full of amazing, well-thought out characters and has a great plot wrapped around them all. The ending had that small little bit of cheese but it was perfect after the rest of the book and really just left you feeling like you’d read a book that changed you. It is a fabulous read and if you hadn’t had a chance to pick it up yet, go ahead. And don’t let the cover decieve you, it’s not as girly as it may seem!

Read In January

Sorry :/

And that concludes my month!


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