
January Monthly Wrap-Up


So I ummed and ahhed about whether or not to start doing monthly wrap-ups on the blog but have eventually decided that in an effort to keep my blog more organised, to keep on top of challenges and to do a nice re-cap of the month for you all, that I would do them :-). Therefore, this post will be set out like my weekly highlights post, split into headings in an attempt to keep everything organised easily :D

Monthly Highlights

This was the month that I moved over to WordPress and I have to say that while it was stressful and at times I felt like I wanted to quit while I was ahead, now that I’m fully transitioned over, I am so glad I took the plunge and would never think of going back to blogger again. I have quickly grown to love WP and everything that it has to offer. I am sure there are still plenty of things for me to learn about this blogging platform, but for now I am content with how things are.
On this topic, I also wish to apologise for any glitches that happened or continue to happen because of the move. If you do notice anything very odd, please let me know and I’ll see if I can find a fix!

Bout of Books was held at the beginning of this month! This was a really great read-a-thon and while I missed all the twitter chats and didn’t quite reach my goals, I still enjoyed the read-a-thon and am looking forward to it returning once more!

January was my first month of hosting the 2013 Genre Variety Challenge and this month you guys read and reviewed (and linked) a total of 74 books! I have to say, I’m pretty impressed! Hope you’re all enjoying it! To link up your February reviews, Click Here

My top three favourite posts I wrote this month were;
Top Ten Bookish Goals for 2013
Reading Habits… er… Quirks
Reading Pet Peeves… or Rather… Grrr!

This month I read a sum total of ten books which means I am on track for my goal of 120 books in a year! *throws confetti*

Favourite Book

My Favourite Read this month was Wonder by R. J. Palacio. This is a book that has had a lot of hype surrounding it so I was cautious of it but it lived up to every expectation and surpassed many. It is impossible to read this book and not be filled with a glowing warmth and a sudden new respect for humanity.

Blogger Spotlight

This months spotlight was Alexa from Alexa Loves Books and it was a pleasure to be able to highlight her!


My new Blogger Spotlight will be announced later on today!

2013 Challenges

A-Z Book Challenge; I read the letters, W, H, B, F, L, and T.
British Books Challenge; I read one book; Heart-Shaped Bruise by Tanya Bryne
Mystery/Crime Challenge; I read no books towards this challenge.
TBR Pile Challenge; I read six books; Frogspell, Beautiful Creatures, Heart-Shaped Bruise, Wonder, The Starboard Sea, Fearless, Lock & Key
Witches/Witchcraft Challenge; I read two books; Frogspell by C. J. Busby and Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
Genre Variety Challenge; I read Fantasy, Contemporary, Contemporary Romance, and Women’s Fiction.

That concludes my month! It was a good one but I hope that February is even better! Fun posts to keep an eye out for; Valentine’s Goodies, Library Love, Blog Tours, Review Copy Clean-up!



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