January Monthly Wrap Up
So I ummed and ahhed about whether or not to start doing monthly wrap-ups on the blog but have eventually decided that in an effort to keep my blog more organised, to keep on top of challenges and to do a nice re-cap of the month for you all, that I would do them :-). Therefore, this post will be set out like my weekly highlights post, split into headings in an attempt to keep everything organised easily :D
Monthly Highlights
Whaaaat? It’s FEBRUARY? Are you sure?
Is it just me that thought January disappeared incredibly quickly? Anyway! Moving on! This month has been a fairly good one for the blog and I’m really pleased to find that I’ve really struck my stride with it and seem to have found my motivation all over again. I have some exciting things planned for February too so hopefully it’ll be a good month too. But enough about me rambling on about the month, onto the highlights!
My top three favourite posts this month were;
My Top Ten Bookish Resolutions
It’s All About… Comments
Cross My Heart by Carmen Reid
Things with Bookish Brits have been going well recently, and on my own channel as well. I’ve not been neglecting them as much as I have been in previous months which is definitely good! I’m also really enjoying incorparating them in with the blog as well and just bringing it all together.
This month I ended up going to four bookish events – in one week! I had such a great time at the Random House Movies Brunch, Faber & Faber’s Brunch, Books with Bite launch and OUP’s Storm the Imagination event as well. I found out about some great books coming out and recieved a nice collection of new books as well. I also had a chance to meet up with some fellow bloggers which is always great fun and something I enjoy doing. I’m looking forward to more events in the future!
I read nine and a half books this month which I’m really pleased about! I had about a week where I read nothing because I got ill and my brain just couldn’t function on the words properly so I’m amazed at how many books I have managed to read, I certainly didn’t expect that to happen!
Favourite Book
I started reading this book on the way back from the Random House Blogger Brunch and found it incredibly difficult to put it down. I read it in only two days even though it is over 400 pages long. I was so overwhelmed by the brilliance of this book and I just found it to be such an inspirational and incredible read. It has amazing themes of friendship, family, and coming-of-age and is just written in such a beautiful way. It is so hard not to fall in love with the words on the page. I connected so fully with the main character and just felt so many different emotions hit me while reading this book. I just got completely immersed in this story and just found it so very hard to step away from it and return to my life. It moved me completely and it is a book that I know will be staying with me for a long time.
Read In January
And that concludes my month!
Jesse Owen
Fab post – I’m so with you on how fast January has flown by. I’m really tempted to start Bird right now! :)
I really want to read Bird! It sounds so good
Cait x
Thinks Books
It took forever to make up my mind about doing a monthly Wrap-Up too. lol Nine and a half books!! You go girl!