June Monthly Wrap Up

So I ummed and ahhed about whether or not to start doing monthly wrap-ups on the blog but have eventually decided that in an effort to keep my blog more organised, to keep on top of challenges and to do a nice re-cap of the month for you all, that I would do them :-). Therefore, this post will be set out like my weekly highlights post, split into headings in an attempt to keep everything organised easily :D
Monthly Highlights
I swear I say this every month… but how is it July already?!?! That is just… crazy!
I honestly don’t know where June went and I am struggling to remember what I even did with it. I know I was insanely busy but seriously… doing what?
Book wise;
I went to book club where we discussed Boy’s Don’t Knit and Say Her Name, both of which will have reviews coming next month! It was really fun and nice to see what everyone thought of each of the books and interesting to see how different we all are in our reads!
I also went to Robin Stevens’ book launch of Murder Most Unladylike. The event was really fun and the speeches were really lovely!
And I went to the launch of Say Her Name by James Dawson! This was a great event and James even dressed up as Mary which was such a sight to see! This was a brilliant event that I enjoyed, even though I had to bough out early with a headache.
The TFIOS movie was released in cinema’s! And I, awesomely, went to see it three times! It was such a brilliant adaptation and I just love the film so much!
Blog wise;
This month has been slow on the blog because of how busy I have been off the blog, but here’s just a few things that happened.
My top three posts were;
Book Review; The History Keepers: Nightship to China by Damian Dibben
Top Ten Summer TBR Reads
Book Review; I Predict a Riot by Catherine Bruton
I’ve been having a lot of thoughts about youtube this month and so, essentially, I have only posted a wrap up and book haul lately. Hopefully I’ll have sorted something in my brain next month and sort out what I want to do with the channel, but we’ll see!
I read nine and a half books this month which is AMAZING. It was so busy and I was sure this wasn’t going to happen and yet it DID. I am fairly proud of myself. I also read some really great books this month which was really good. Looking forward to seeing what July brings!
Favourite Book
I truly loved this book from start to finish. It was compelling, heart-wrenching, and just had me on the edge of my seat. I would be laughing one minute, then full of tension the next. It was full of depth, dealt with the topic exceedingly well and is just a book that I really enjoyed and found truly entertaining. This book is about the london riots and I just feel like it dealt with that topic so incredibly well. It also had a character who was attached to filming and I loved that aspect of the story, it really made her feel more realistic. All the characters were well-written and compelling, and it’s hard not to just fall in love with them. If you’re looking for a book that is deep, dark, and will play a mess of your emotions, then you should definitely give this book a try because it is certain to take you on a unique journey.
July TBR
These are five books that I REALLY want to read this month! They’re the ones that are VERY high on my TBR!
Look! An adult book! Yaay! And I have one other book club book to read and just a pile of other summer books and yalc books… but these ones are the ones I really want to read this month!
How was your June? Did you read anything amazing? Have you got any great books you want to read in July?
One Comment
Michelle (Fluttering Butterflies)
Sounds like a fab month! I’m really looking forward to reading Lies Like Love and Let’s Get Lost this month as well. Good luck :)