Weekly Highlights; The Easter Edition

Weekly Highlights is a feature here at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts and will be a post highlighting things that happened on and off the blog. It is inspired by The Story Sirens In My Mailbox, Books, Biscuit and Tea’s Showcase Sunday, Kimba Caffeinated’s Sunday Post, and the British Letterbox Love.
In the feature I won’t mention everything I received, nor every post I wrote during the week but will simply feature a selection of things I wish to spotlight a second time around.
Post Highlights
Wooo! Look at all the posts I managed to get up on the blog this week! Despite that, I still had a busy week too. But I’m glad that I seem to be back in the swing of things on the blog again – of course I’ve probably now jynxed it and the blog will be empty next week.
I posted ONE review this week;
Starring Kitty by Keris Stainton (FIVE HEARTS)
And I also posted my March Monthly Wrap Up. Read that post to see what I got up to last month!
Spring Clean Your TBR
Spring Clean Your TBR kicked off this week! (There’s also still time to join in if you want! Find out how in this post.)
This week I posted my goals for the event and I posted my first update too.
You can also follow how I, and other participants are doing by following #scyTBR on twitter!
Blogger Spotlight
I also announced my Blogger Spotlight for April!
Find out who George is and why he was chosen here.
Around the Blogosphere
Lucy has written two great posts this week. The first is about rejuvineating your blog. To read her advice, click here.
The second is about organising your review pile. Personally I just read whatever books take my fancy but in case you don’t, check out this post.
Amber has written a brilliant post about blogging safely which I would highly recommend. It’s important advice to take whether your a teen blogger or an adult blogger. You can read the post here.
Jenny Alexander wrote a post this week for Girls Heart Books about bullying that I found to be a very interesting read. To read it and add your own thoughts, click here.
Gaby & Lisa both wrote brilliant letters to their YA selves this week. You can read them here. (And find out all about the letter idea here.)
Lisa also wrote a post about DNFing books. It’s really lovely to read. You can read it by clicking here.
I basically love everything that goes up on Jamie’s blog so this week I’m just going to casually link to her March wrap up. Find out how her month went in this here.
Carly has written a great review this week of a book I am really looking forward to. Find out her thoughts on Suicide Notes for Beautiful Girls in this post.
Jess is taking a break for blogging and the reasons why can be found here. This is a time where we definitely need to be ready to support others in the community.
And I also just want to highlight the Delete blog tour! It’s been really great following all the posts. I hope you think so too! You can find them all here.
Letterbox Love
Somehow I keep acquiring books. There must be something wrong with me!
Thirteen Days of Midnight by Leo Hunt; This one sounds super exciting and interesting, and the perfect book for me! Thank you to Hachette Children’s and Netgalley for this copy!
The Memory Hit by Carla Spradbery; I still need to read Carla’s first book – eeek – but I loved the sound of this one and couldn’t resist! Looking forward to reading it. Thank you to Hachette Children’s and Netgalley again for this copy!
Don’t Turn Around by Caroline Mitchell; This one sounds super thrilling and exciting! It’s been on my radar for a while so when I saw it on Netgalley, I couldn’t resist requesting it. Thanks to Bookoutre for this copy.
The Mystery of the Clockwork Sparrow by Katherine Woodfine; I have heard a great many things about this book and it sounds super fun and super great. Can’t wait to dive into it! Thanks to Egmont and Netgalley for this book.
The IT Girl by Katy Birchell; I actually have a netgalley copy of this book but this one landed on my doorstep as a surprise. I’m really excited for it though and it may get bumped up the TBR now that I have a physical copy…
Shadow Study by Maria V. Snyder; I was invited to the MiraINK blogger evening with Maria V Snyder but I ended up being stuck at work unable to go. Then Clara e-mailed and told me Maria had signed a book for me. It arrived yesterday and I squealed a “little” bit.
Never Always Sometimes by Adi Alsaid; I loved Adi’s first book and am so happy to have his second one in my hands. I am super excited about this one and just cannot wait to see if I like it. Many thanks to MiraINK for this review copy!
Starborn by Lucy Hounsom; I’ve already got this book in kindle format but have yet to read it – hope to do so soon! – but the Hardback is BEAUTIFUL. It looks super stunning and I cannot wait to dive into it. Thanks to Tor for this surprise copy!
Currently Reading
I read a few books at a time so I have decided that I want to showcase them a little on the blog and so from now on I thought I would tell you all what I’m currently reading (on Saturday/Sunday!)
This week I am currently reading;
And there you have it, my Weekly Highlights!