Weekly Highlights; The Electric Monkey Blogger Day Edition

Weekly Highlights is a feature here at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts and will be a post highlighting things that happened on and off the blog. It is inspired by The Story Sirens In My Mailbox, Books, Biscuit and Tea’s Showcase Sunday, Kimba Caffeinated’s Sunday Post, and the British Letterbox Love.
In the feature I won’t mention everything I received, nor every post I wrote during the week but will simply feature a selection of things I wish to spotlight a second time around.
Post Highlights
This week has been a really good one, if I do say so myself. I’ve still been busy and rushed off my feet but my mood has ultimately lifted, I’ve been organizing and planning and have some new things coming around the corner that could change things, so I’m all very excited and scared all at once! Plus it was the Electric Monkey Blogger Day which was so much fun!
As for the blog…
I posted ONE review this week;
Mayhem by Sarah Pinborough (FOUR HEARTS)
I told you about my top ten book related problems. To see what I wrote, click here.
And I sat down and told you my thoughts about amazing books and mediocre books and how, essentially, I think all books are equally important. Even those really bad ones! To hear the rest of my thoughts read this post.
Lastly, I also had a review go live over at Big Book, Little Book. You can read my thoughts on Drawing the Light by Julia Green, in this post.
Blogger Spotlight
This week I was honoured to share with you all a very personal post written by Michelle. She has told us an amazing story about her life and how her life has changed from it. To see how absolutely brilliant and strong she is, click here.
Other posts by/about Michelle this month;
Finish It February
We’re into our third week of the Finish It Feb event, with only one more week to go.
Thus, you can find out how I’m doing with my goals in my updates post by clicking here.
Around the Blogosphere
The fantastic V. E. Schwab visited Sophie’s blog this week and wrote her post on her top fighting tips. It’s a really fun post. Read it here.
Michelle has admitted to some UKYA series that she hasn’t started yet but would love to. Find out what she would like to read in this post.
Melinda Salisbury participated in Daphne’s Bookish Firsts feature and choose some fab books. Check it our here.
Have you seen that there’s a read-a-thon of His Dark Materials happening soon? Find out more info on Michelle’s blog, here.
Amber has posted a very interesting discussion on YA and comments about it. You can read her thoughts by clicking here.
Hollie had some fab top ten book related problems. Do you relate to any of them? Check them out in this post.
Lina has written a very interesting post about what people did before book blogging. You can read it here.
Nemo has written a fantastic post on how much time it takes to blog. She meticulously worked out how long she takes on each task and it is just such a fascinating read. You can read it too by clicking here.
I am an introvert. And I’m proud of it. So when I stumbled upon this great post about blogging as an introvert, I had to read it and share it. If you want to know more about what it is like, read this post.
This is a really fun post from Kat about the daily life of a book blogger. Definitely check it out here.
And lastly, Kim is asking what your genre is. Let her know by clicking here.
Letterbox Love
I don’t think a week has ever gone by without me acquiring at least one book… is there something wrong with me? This week the majority of my books have come from the Electric Monkey Blogger Day!
Seed by Lisa Heathfield; This was acquired at the Electric Monkey Blogger Day and I have to admit I am super intrigued by it. It sounds really interesting and the cover is truly stunning – especially in the flesh – it sparkles in the sun!
Suicide Notes from Beautiful Girls by Lynn Weingarton; This one sounds like the perfect book for me. Like, well and truly intriguing. I got this from the blogger day and am really looking forward to diving into it. The UK cover is also AMAZING but I can’t find a good image of it!
Black Dove, White Raven by Elizabeth Wein; I’ve not read anything by Elizabeth yet (hold your fire!) but I really want to. I’m not sure I’ll start with this one but I’m very intrigued by it none the less. This is another Blogger day copy.
Me and Mr J by Rachel McIntyre; The final book from the blogger day. I’m not sure I’ll read this one. It doesn’t appeal to me as much as the others. Instead, you may find this one will end up in a giveaway at some point, so if you’re interested, keep your eyes peeled. Many thanks to Electric Monkey at Egmont for all of these review copies.
The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson; I’ve been seeing this one everywhere and have heard great things about Jandy Nelson so I cannot wait to start this one. Many thanks to Jim and Walker Books for this copy.
Elizabeth is Missing by Emma Healey; This is a book club read for April so I borrowed a copy from the library. It sounds pretty interesting. It’s not something I’d normally read so I’d be intrigued to know if I like it or not!
The Copper Promise by Jen Williams; This one looked really interesting and definitely my kind of read so I borrowed it from the library when I saw it on the shelf. Looking forward to seeing what it is like in time for the second one being released soon.
Currently Reading
I read a few books at a time so I have decided that I want to showcase them a little on the blog and so from now on I thought I would tell you all what I’m currently reading (on Saturday/Sunday!)
This week I am currently reading;
And there you have it, my Weekly Highlights!
Debbie @ Snuggling on the Sofa
Yay for that super exciting thing that you haven’t announced yet! So pleased you had a good week :D I loved the post about introverts, so thanks for the link :)
Thanks for sharing Victoria’s tour post! And I really love the sound of Suicide Notes From Beautiful Girls. Glad you had a brilliant day at Egmont!
Laura Thomas
I’l be watching for your super surprise. You’ve got me curious!
So many new books this week. I have my eye on a couple!
My Sunday Post – http://fuonlyknew.com/2015/02/22/whats-new-on-my-bookshelf-98-and-the-sunday-post/
Nemo @ the Moonlight Library
Thank you very much for your kind words on my ‘how much time do I put into this hobby’ blog post.