Weekly Highlights

Weekly Highlights; The Getting Settled Edition

weekly highlights

Weekly Highlights is a new feature here at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts and will be a post highlighting things that happened on and off the blog. It is inspired by The Story Sirens In My Mailbox, Books, Biscuit and Tea’s Showcase Sunday, Kimba Caffeinated’s Sunday Post, and the British Letterbox Love.

In the feature I won’t mention everything I received, nor every post I wrote during the week but will simply feature a selection of things I wish to spotlight a second time around.

Post Highlights

So the last two weeks have been incredibly busy and I honestly feel like I haven’t stopped! As mentioned in my last weekly highlights, I am in the middle of a house move and while I knew it wasn’t exactly going to be an easy transition, I also hadn’t expected it to be quite so hard. There have just been a few bumps along the rode BUT I am finally feeling a lot more settled and just need to continue unpacking. However, I also have no internet access at home and so have been spending a bit of time in Starbucks to get these posts out for you! Hopefully this will be resolved in due time.

Aside from all of that, I also attended the London Book Fair last week and that was incredible. I had another fabulous time at the event and while last year seemed to be full of better seminars, there were still a fair few gems at this one and it gave me a chance to give away some of my new shiny business cards! Now, last thing before I move onto posts… HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!

I posted TWO reviews this week;
Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira (FIVE HEARTS)
Sleuth on Skates by Clementine Beauvais (FOUR HEARTS)

I also announced that I am organising the blog tour for Glaze by Kim Curran. To find out more and to sign up, click here.

I revealed the cover of the very interesting sounding, The Tethering by Megan O’Russell, due to come out in August. Run over here to see it in all its glory!

Lastly, I posted promo posts for Don’t Look Back by Jennifer L. Armentrout (here) and for Unveiling You by Samantha Grey (here).


For Bookish Brits this week, Caroline and I will be buddy reviewing Vicious by V. E. Schwab, so keep an eye out for that on Friday!

At some point this week – hoping Tuesday – I will also be filming and uploading my March reading wrap-up video, which I’ll be posting onto the blog as well so keep your eyes peeled!

Finally, I have a review of The Forever Song scheduled to go live on the blog on Thursday so feel free to pop by then to check out why I loved that book SO much!

Blog TLC

Previously mentioned on this blog, I announced that I’ll be doing some blog TLC during the month of April but as it has been so busy and it’s been a struggle to get time on the internet, I have decided to postpone doing this until either May or June. I will keep you informed as to when I get around to doing it as it will, essentially affect my posting. If you’d like to be updated on what I’ve done and how I’m doing with it, let me know in the comments as I’m contemplating update posts!

Around the Blogosphere

I’m pressed for time this week so instead of my usual sentence or two about each link, here’s a list of all the posts I enjoyed reading this week, and where I found them!

ANNOUNCEMENT: New Long Term Project (Lucy @ Project UKYA)
UKYA Day: Joint interview on Hybrid Publishing (Jim @ Ya Yeah Yeah)
Bookish Thoughts: My Experience with LGBT YA (Asti @ Oh the Books)
Building Up… (Jim @ Countdown to YA)
LGBT Discussion: Where are all the asexual characters? (Jo @ Once Upon a Bookcase)
LGBT Discussion: Novels with Intersex Characters (Jo @ Once Upon a Bookcase)
2013 YA Romance Highlights (Adele @ Persnickety Snark)
Laura Lam: The Somewhat Hidden Rainbow in Fantasy (Leah @ Uncorked Thoughts)
Harry Potter Moment of the Week (Ula @ Blog of Erised)
Pick of the Week; The One Where I Want to Write Someone A Letter (Gaby @ Queen Ella Bee Reads)
The Queen Bee’s Knees: April (Gaby @ Queen Ella Bee Reads)
How I Blog (Ruby @ Feed Me Books Now)
Hidden Gems: Cat Hellison on Sometimes Never, Sometimes Always by Elissa Janine Hoole (Jim @ YA Contemporary)
Why I Write Gay Fiction by J. H. Trumble (Cayce @ Fighting Dreamer)

Letterbox Love


Well, it’s actually been a little crazy on the book front the last two weeks! After receiving no book post for a month, I finally move out and every time I return home, find I have a stack of parcels waiting for me! Add on to books I’m currently borrowing and the ones I bought, and it just seems endless! (*note* not all books I received this week are in this post, just the ones I can remember from the top of my head as they’re not with me!)

Tall Tales from Pitch End by Nigel McDowell; Got this from the library as, after hearing about his newest book, I was instantly intrigued about Nigel’s first novel. Looking forward to reading this one!

Wheat-free Cook Book: Gluten Free Recipes for Everyone by Jacqueline Mallorca; This is one that I’m borrowing from the library. I’m trying to be really good about Gluten Free at the moment but I’ve been running out of ideas. Hoping this will help!

The Hit by Melvin Burgess; Heard a lot of things about this one and as it was only £1, I had to buy it and see if it’s as good as people say it is.

Stitch Up by Sophie Hamilton; I have been dying to read this one so when this turned up on my doorstep, I pretty much squealed. Thank you so much to Hot Key Books for this copy.

Delirium, Pandemonium and Requiem by Lauren Oliver; Technically I already have a copy of Delirium, and it is signed. But it’s not the same cover as the other two books in the series and as they were all £1 each, I just bought it again! Looking forward to finally finishing this series.

The Temptation of Lila and Ethan by Jessica Sorensen; I still need to read the second book in this series but I’m super excited to read this one! I know it doesn’t have to be read in order but I’m going to do it that way anyway! Thank you to Little Brown for this title.

Vicious by V. E. Schwab; So… halfway through reading a borrowed copy of this book, I realised that I was completely hooked and thus after walking into Waterstones and seeing it on the shelf, I knew I had to buy it. And now I’m finished, I’m so glad I did as I know this is one I will re-read time and time again!

The Stuff of Nightmares by Malorie Blackman; I have read a lot of Malorie Blackman books but this isn’t one of them so when I saw it, I simply had to have it. Really intrigued to know if it’s any good!

Roomies by Sara Zarr and Tara Altebrando; I’ve been dying to get my hands on this book ever since I heard about it! So when Debbie finished reading Jim’s copy, Jim was kind enough to let me borrow it after her. Can’t wait to read it!

And there you have it, my Weekly Highlights!
I hope to visit all posts of this manner, so feel free to link to your own IMMs, Sunday Showcase, Sunday Posts, Letterbox Loves or whatever it is you do below!
what did you get this week? what cool blog posts did you stumble upon? what are you waiting to happen this week?



  • Anya

    Pretty good haul, even if you can’t remember all of them! Glad to hear the move has gone alright, just hope you get internet at home soon!

  • Michelle @ Much Loved Books

    Great haul, where did you find these books for £1, I really need to find this shop ;) I love the covers for Lauren’s books, I may need to get these again for my shelf :)

    I completely understand about the move, we got moved out of our flat for just over 2 years while they did it all up, and then had to move back in again once they were finished….and I had a ton more books and stuff to move the second time around. I am in no hurry to move again ;)

    My haul

  • Lettie

    I’m checking out lots of your links.
    I cannot recommend Temptation of Lila and Ethan enough- I think it’s my favourite in the series.
    Good luck with all the unpacking- I found moving home from Uni stressful enough :)

  • Romi

    Faye! I haven’t spoken to you in MONTHS, and I don’t know what happened, but I’m sorry and HI!

    I hope you’re enjoying the unpacking side of your move, even if the move itself was hectic; I’d probably get super stressed in that situation, but I really love to tidy and sort things, so the packing and unpacking side would suit me, I think. And you got to go to LBF- that’s fantastic, and great to hear it was pretty good, too! One day I will get to a book conference/fair. One day.

    I heard of Roomies a while back, but I suppose it kind of went off my radar, but since you’re so excited for it I’m definitely going to re-look into it!
    Hope you’re well!

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