Weekly Highlights

Weekly Highlights; The #YALCReadathon Edition

weekly highlights

Weekly Highlights is a new feature here at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts and will be a post highlighting things that happened on and off the blog. It is inspired by The Story Sirens In My Mailbox, Books, Biscuit and Tea’s Showcase Sunday, Kimba Caffeinated’s Sunday Post, and the British Letterbox Love.

In the feature I won’t mention everything I received, nor every post I wrote during the week but will simply feature a selection of things I wish to spotlight a second time around.

Post Highlights

Another busy week but I did manage to get you some posts, yay! Next week shouldn’t be quite so busy but I can’t make any guarentees as I usually make plans in the moment! Hoping I’ll have some posts for you all though! Including my monthly wrap-up being on time!

This week I posted two reviews;
I Predict a Riot by Catherine Bruton (FIVE HEARTS)
Flashes by Tim O’Rourke (THREE HEARTS)

I also had the lovely Catherine Bruton on the blog talking about beginnings and endings. Check it out here.

Finally, I also had the talented Tim O’Rourke on the blog as well with a q&a with one of his characters from Flashes. You can read that interview, here.

YALC Readathon

So I set out the beginning of this readathon hoping to read three or four books for the readathon. Thus, I was slightly disappointed when I didn’t manage to do it but I was busy so I’m still glad I did get some books read. I ended up reading one full book and got half way through two other books and almost finished my audiobook.

I finished;


I started;

Take Back the Skies Torn

I almost finished;


I really enjoyed Zom-B, it was such an interesting book and I’m definitely looking forward to reading the rest of this series! I’m also really enjoying Take Back the Skies but just wasn’t in the right mood for it for the read-a-thon, I needed more time to concentrate on it. I’m also loving Torn but just didn’t have enough time to finish it! I am sooo close to finish Landline and I plan to drive to work everyday until I have because gah! It’s sooo good!! I hope to finish all of these books very soon, in plenty of time for YALC!
How did your YALC Readathon go?

Letterbox Love


I’ve had a fairly busy book week, mostly just got a big bag of graphic novels to borrow from a colleague that I’m really looking forward to reading!

Graduation DayFinnikin of the Rock Fables

Graduation Day by Joelle Charbonneau; I loved the first two books in this trilogy and cannot wait to see how it ends!

Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta; This one is our book club read in August and I’m looking forward to seeing what it’s like.

The Sandman by Neil Gaiman; Really looking forward to reading this one! I’ve had my eye on it for ages and I think it’s the perfect graphic novel to try! Thanks to my colleague for this one!

Fables by Bill Willingham; Don’t know much about this one but my colleague lent it to me and I’m interested to see if it’ll be any good!

Death Note Vol 1-4; I’ve been wanting to read this series for ages and so I’m now really glad I’ve got the chance to do exactly that! Thanks again to my colleague for loaning me these!

And there you have it, my Weekly Highlights!
I hope to visit all posts of this manner, so feel free to link to your own IMMs, Sunday Showcase, Sunday Posts, Letterbox Loves or whatever it is you do below!
what did you get this week? what cool blog posts did you stumble upon? what are you waiting to happen this week?


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