• Books,  Challenges

    Finish It Feb; Wrap-Up

    Holy Smokes Guys! February is OVER. It went by just as quickly as it always does, too quickly! But enough about that. Today’s post is where I look at the goals I set myself at the beginning of the month…

  • Challenges

    Finish It Feb: Update #3

    Update #3 I had an OK reading week this week. Not as good as last week but good. Sadly however the book(s) I read this week weren’t for Finish It Feb, ooops. I did start finishing one book though. I’ve…

  • Challenges

    Finish It Feb Goals 2016!

    Hey Guys As you should know by now, today marks the start of Finish It Feb! I cannot wait to get started with this but before I can, I need to set some goals… so let’s do so! (You can…

  • Books,  Challenges

    Spring Clean Your TBR; Wrap-Up

    Spring Clean Your TBR is OVER WHAT? HOW? WHEN? Yeah, that pretty much sums up how I feel about the whole thing because really, how is it the second day of May already? Anyway… this post is to wrap-up how…

  • Books,  Challenges

    Spring Clean Your TBR Update #1

    Hey Guys! The first “week” of April is almost over and so it is time for me to post my updates! This linky will be open for another week so you can add your updates at a time that suits…

  • Books,  Challenges

    Spring Clean Your TBR Goals

    Hey Guys! So the Spring Clean Your TBR starts on Wednesday! I’m excited to read some of the books I’ve been meaning to read for ages, are you? This post is my goals and my mini-TBR. At the bottom of…

  • Books,  Challenges

    Finish It February; Update #3

    We’re at the end of the third week of February and only have one week to go. I’m still not sure how that happened but there we go! My Goals I want to try and finish three half-read books, and…