Weekly Highlights; The It’s Been A While Edition

Weekly Highlights is a feature here at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts and will be a post highlighting things that happened on and off the blog. It is inspired by The Story Sirens In My Mailbox, Books, Biscuit and Tea’s Showcase Sunday, Kimba Caffeinated’s Sunday Post, and the British Letterbox Love.
In the feature I won’t mention everything I received, nor every post I wrote during the week but will simply feature a selection of things I wish to spotlight a second time around.
Post Highlights
So I have not done one of these in a long time and I do have to apologise for that. Life got a little bit busy and hectic for a while there but it’s starting to settle down again now, so that’s good – and it’s Easter next week so I even get some time off! Yay!
I’ll just do the highlights of the last few weeks… *cough* month *cough*
I posted six reviews;
The Underwood See by Michael Lawrence (THREE HEARTS)
Hi So Much by Laura Dockrill (THREE HEARTS)
Full Metal Alchemist Vol. One (FOUR HEARTS)
Ways to See A Ghost by Emily Diamond (FOUR HEARTS)
Nashville Mercy by M. Maitland DeLand (FOUR HEARTS)
Trouble by Non Pratt (FOUR HEARTS)
I participated in two top tens;
Spring TBR
Books and Films about Witches & Wizards
I had the lovely D B Neilson on the blog talk about strong heroines. You can read that post here.
And I wrote a post about my thoughts on book blogging and being a book blogger. It’s had some great feedback so far so if you haven’t read it yet, I would recommend you do. Click here to do so.
Blogger Spotlight
As my Blogger Spotlight, I interviewed the wonderful Charli from To Another World. You can read that here.
Spring Clean your TBR
I also announced the Spring Clean Your TBR event that I’m hosting alongside Caroline at Big Book Little Book. The aim is to read some of those books that have been sitting on our shelves (or e-reader’s, or audiobook library) for so long that they’re metaphorically collecting dust.
The hashtag for the event will be #scyTBR.
To find out more info and to sign up, click here.
Around the Blogosphere
Starting off simply, have you seen my review of Salvage by Keren David. It’s posted on Big Book Little Book and you can read it here.
Jim has written a great post about a new bookshop that opened in Richmond. Click here to read it.
Sophie has told us about her most owned authors. It’s a great post and I might just do it myself soon. You can read it here.
Daphne has written a great review of Dreams of Gods and Monsters. I’m so glad she enjoyed the book and series ending. Check it out here.
This week Michelle has posted a brilliant post about Netgalley. If you use the site or are thinking of doing so, I would highly recommend reading this post.
Debbie finally posted her Finish It Feb wrap up! Read how she did here.
Michelle has done something similiar to Jim and written about a local bookshop near her (I think!) and it’s a great post. Check it out here.
And lastly, you can read another fantastic review of Trouble by the wonderful Anya, in this post.
Letterbox Love
As it’s been so long since I’ve done a weekly highlights, I actually can’t remember which books did arrive this month so I’m just going to show the ones that came in the last week or so…
Magonia by Maria Dahvana Headley; This is a review copy from Harper360 and I’m very much looking forward to reading it as it sounds super intriguing. Many thanks to Harper360 for the copy.
Little Black Lies by Sharon Bolton; Many thanks go to Transworld for this amazing looking review copy of Little Black Lies! I’ve not read anything by Sharon Bolton yet but I have heard brilliant things so I’m very excited.
Under My Skin by James Dawson; I have come to really enjoy James’ books and this one sounds very good. Many thanks to Hot Key Books for the review copy of this one!
The Amber Crown by C. J. Busby; It’s the final book in this trilogy and I cannot wait to see how it all ends! Thanks go to Hot Key Books and Templar for this review copy!
Remix by Non Pratt; Having just finished Trouble and loving it, you can tell why I’d be excited for this book right? Plus, it just sounds super amazing. Many thanks to Walker for this review copy.
Gypsy Girl by Kathryn James; I was very intrigued about this one when I first heard about it and have since had a brilliant recommendation for it so needless to say, I’m intrigued! Thanks to Walker for the review copy!
Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella; I will admit, I have never read anything by Sophie Kinsella but I know that she is a very talented writer. Thus, upon hearing she was writing a YA book, I had to jump on that chance. Many thanks to Penguin Random House for the netgalley copy.
The Happy Ever Afterlife of Rosie Potter by Kate Winter; This book sounds like so much fun and the perfect read for me. I’ll be on the blog tour for this book in May and cannot wait to dive into the book. Many thanks to Little Brown Books for this review copy.
The It Girl by Katy Birchall; I heard an extract of this at the Egmont Blogger Day so when I saw it up on Netgalley, I couldn’t resist. This is guaranteed to be a fun read and I cannot wait to read it. Thanks to Egmont for the review copy.
Currently Reading
I read a few books at a time so I have decided that I want to showcase them a little on the blog and so from now on I thought I would tell you all what I’m currently reading (on Saturday/Sunday!)
This week I am currently reading;
And there you have it, my Weekly Highlights!
Yay for Under My Skin and Remix, they are both amazing! And thanks for the mention :D
Yay! Glad to hear it! And no worries at all. :)