Moa by Tricia Stewart Shiu
Hey Guys!So today I am participating in Novel Publicity’s whirlwind tour for Moa by Tricia Stewart Shiu. This post is a review of the book and later on this afternoon will be a guest post from Tricia Stewart Shiu so keep your…
Pandora’s Key by Nancy Richardson Fischer (Review & Interview)
Hi Guys! So today I’m hosting the absolutely fabulous Nancy Richardson Fischer as part of her blog tour for her book Pandora’s Key. The first part of this post is a review of her book and the second part is an…
The Story Behind: Soul of the Band by K. L. Brady
Author K.L. Brady has stopped by today for the Soul Of The Band Blog Tour with an excerpt of the book. The Story Behind The Book – Soul of the Band I’ll fully admit that of the five books…
Introducing J. R. Wagner! + Giveaway of Exiled!
Hey Guys!As promised I am here today with a glorious interview with J. R. Wagner for his newly released book Exiled. I also have ONE copy of the book to GIVEAWAY to one lucky person! Contest is for US participants only, simply fill out…
We’re Meeting Stephen Zimmer Today!
Hey Guys! So today I am introducing you all to the wonderfully talented, Stephen Zimmer, author of the newly released Spirit of Fire. He is here today to talk about this book as part of the books tour. I sent…
Exiled by J. R. Wagner
Author: J. R. WagnerPublisher: Live Oak Book Company & Greenleaf Book GroupPublished: 5th June 2012 & 5th May 2012 (respectively)Pages: unknownFormat: ebook (ARC)Source: netgalley.comSummary: STRIPPED OF HIS POWERS AND BANISHED TO THE NEVER, JAMES MUST SAVE HIMSELF BEFORE HE CAN…
Shadow on the Wall by Pavarti K Tyler
Author: Pavarti K. TylerPublisher: Fighting Monkey PressPublished: May 1st 2012Pages: UnknownFormat: KindleSource: Review Copy from AuthorGoodreads: Add ItSummary:WINNER OF THE GENERAL FICTION/NOVEL CATEGORY OF THE 2012 NEXT GENERATION INDIE BOOK AWARDS! (2012)Recai Osman: Muslim, philosopher, billionaire and Superhero?Controversial and daring, Shadow on the Wall details the transformation…
Saving Mary: The Possession by Diedre Havrelock
Author: Deidre HavrelockPublisher: Etcetera PressPublished: 1st April 2012Pages: UnknownFormat: KindleSource: Summary: If you’re a fan of supernatural fiction then you will be captivated by this true story about a spiritually sensitive girl and the path that led to her…
Rupture by Curtis Hox (Blitz Day & Giveaway)
Book One Transhuman Warrior Series By Curtis Hox Genre: YA Dystopian Fantasy Simone Wellborn is a Transhuman with an attitude. She’s been genetically engineered from birth to be super smart. The problem? All that tinkering her parents paid top…
Reality Shows We Want To See (With D.V. Berkom) + Giveaway
Hey Guys!So today I am introducing you to the talented D.V Berkrom, author of Serial Date. She has written a post for you today on Reality TV shows and the ones she wishes to see. She is also giving away…